LNU-COE Explores AI Integration in Teacher Education via International Webinar

The College of Education (COE) hosted an international webinar called “Teacher Education Reimagined: Where AI Meets Sustainability, Research, Innovation, and Extension” via Zoom with live audience at the HRDC Gymnasium on March 7.

Dr. Yusup Suprivono M.Pd., Head of the English Education Department at the University of Siliwangi in Indonesia, served as the keynote speaker of the said webinar. Addressing topics ranging from artificial intelligence to sustainability principles, research innovation, and extension practices in teacher education, Dr. Suprivono shared insights aimed at advancing pedagogical methods and fostering sustainable educational development.

Among the attendees were Joyce M. Magtolis, Dean of the College of Education, Dr. Luis Luigi Eugenio A. Valencia, Chair of the Elementary Education Department, Maria Lourdes Tan, Chair of the Secondary Education Department, and COE students.

Published by: Rico Combinido, IT Support Office